Aglow from the fresh vines of challenge
Wrought through pain, dedication and perseverance
Reaching out, grouping as in the dark
Passions split from side to side
Reaching yearning to be heard
Sliding across the floor of successful divas and veterans artefacts to make an exit...
Wondering how this door can make any difference, but
Yet unperturbed you stretch and reach and try harder with each panting breathe
To be heard not seen
But to give out of the toil and churning, the refining and the molding
Reaching out, reaching further
To become that which thine own minds eye had conceived
Birthed through the grime of adversity
Emerging changed, refreshed, reinvigorated, anew, blessed!
Lets begin again.
From where we once stopped.
Lets start all over again.
Lets love
Lets sing
Let's write
Let's plant
Let's grow
Let's create
Lets dance like no one is watching
Lets love
Lets jive
Live and let live!


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