"Beauty for ashes" Remembering Mr. Nyam
Grief. The origin of the word (Latin and French) both symbolise a burden or something grave.That the emotion could even be captured in words is itself an amazing thing.
In Hausa language, when you lose a loved one the condolence greeting to the mourner goes "Yaya hakuri?"Literally translated it means "How is the patience?" Interesting question I'll say, for a time when your emotions are all over the place. But I digress.
My Dad passed 3 years ago, on this day 16th June 2019. It was the most horrid Sunday morning at 4am I'd ever experienced. Each year since then, not a day goes by I don't think of him. But the said day always gives me a moment to reflect on his life, how I'm journeying without him, how this has affected our immediate family either negatively or positively and how I can truly honour his memory and his legacy.
Daddy liked to gist, he loved people and enjoyed having them over at the house. He had the sweetest smile. Charming, handsome, generous and kind. He was as human as they come, flawed and all but he was and still is my hero. I practically idolised my dad till a turning point when I realised he was actually human. It was a teachable and landmark period in my life. Again I digress.
This year and specifically today, I am awed at the display of God's sovereignty and healing balm over us individually and as a family. God has dealt with and is still seeing each of us through this period without Daddy, lovingly and thoughtfully as a doting father would. I see this in my mum, siblings and those who were close to Daddy and loved him dearly. Indeed Jesus is the balm of Gilead. The Goodness of God as a Father, as our Father, has resounded overwhelmingly with us, and I know, I'm reassured beyond the shadow of a doubt that God is my Father.
I remember how earth shattering Daddy's passing was. I felt this hole that was just bottomless and endless.
But one thing that comforted me right from the moment he died was a knowing, something I knew then and now now. I know without a doubt that when we die in the Lord it's a moment when we're asleep. And when we rise it's a rebirth because we shall resurrect, from the dead. We shall rise to meet the Lord Jesus in the sky (first those who died in Christ and then those believers who are still alive.) This will happen when Jesus the reason for this hope, the reason for this redemptive power alive in believers, returns upon the final trumpet call. That's where a believer draws his/her comfort from and that's where I draw mine from. That this physical death isn't final and there's a hereafter where I shall meet all my loved ones, Daddy inclusive. That's been a source of comfort.
But...even IF I didn't believe in God right now, or in Jesus or the resurrection power...I am confident and I know with all my heart that this God is a Good God. One of my hearties says "This God BA!"
Why? Cos in my experience, only a God like Him can ease this kind of heartache.
Only a God like Him can be a father to the fatherless (no matter how young or old you are).
Only a God like Him can give beauty for ashes.
Only a Father like Him can cause beauty to rise from this intense pain, this snatching from, ripping off, and forced separation (on this side of eternity) from a loved one.
Only God can do that. And that God ...I choose to love to trust and to obey.
The fact that I can stand boldly today with a smile on my face, despite missing my Daddy sorely is a testament to the goodness of this our God, My God and My Father.
Consider this as an invitation to a God who is ever mindful of each one of us as though there were only one of us.
If He did it for me, He can do it for you.
No fibre of your being, thoughts and emotions is hidden from him.
If the recent turn of events in the World, in our Nation, in your family, in the economy... Wherever and whatever else have caused you to wonder if a good God does exist, and you're wondering why if at all you should ever take Him seriously, then I've got news for you.
I stand as a testament to tell you ( that is if you have never known it before) or to remind you of his promise, that He says in His Word, the Bible that "in this world you will have trouble, but take heart I have overcome the world."
That " I have come that they may have life and life abundantly"
That although "Many are the trials/affliction of the righteous but the Lord rescues him from them all."
No human is spared from grief or pain, loss or suffering. None at all. But only the one who takes heart in this good good God will experience peace like no other in the midst of, in spite of, through, during or after the storm. That peace is a gift that's freely available. And as with all gifts you've got to receive it to fully access it.
If you need this healing balm and the peace that comes from experiencing the healer, if you desire it, and you're yearning for it with all your heart to experience this love of this good God, here's an invitation to open the door of your heart to Him. Be vulnerable with Him, ask Him questions, talk to Him as you would your parent, sibling, friend or neighbor. Don't be silent,!ask him to help you. I know He will Cos he's doing it for me and I know he can and will do it for you. If you just ask Him.
Paul spoke on the Bible where it says in Romans 10:13
And it’s true: “Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be rescued and experience new life.” (TPT)
Jesus himself said "But everyone my Father has given to me, they will come. And all who come to me, I will embrace and will never turn them away. And I have come out of heaven not for my own desires, but for the satisfaction of my Father who sent me. My Father who sent me has determined that I will not lose even one of those he has given to me, and I will raise them up in the last day. For the longing of my Father is that everyone who embraces the Son and believes in him will experience eternal life and I will raise them up in the last day!” John 6:37-40 TPT
Don't you want to taste the goodness of a good good father?
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